Iterate Fast, Test Often


Sidekicker is a casual and temporary staffing marketplace platform. Businesses would post jobs and pre-screened, skilled workers would apply, be selected, be paid, and rated via the platform.

The Problem

Workers viewed and applied for jobs via a mobile app. These jobs would be displayed as cards in a feed - a pattern that most users would be familiar with. The issue with this was that businesses that posted more jobs would get greater visibility than smaller businesses that might only have 1 job active and would get pushed further down in the feed.

We also acknowledged that this could be an overwhelming experience for workers and we were asking them to consume quite a lot of information at once. We wanted to make sure that the experience was not overwhelming.

Starting Point

We started collecting stakeholder feedback internally, this allowed us to identify the problems. Next, we began to ideate - What could we do to make this feed better?


We now sought data to better understand what workers were looking for and to help validate the problem. I conducted a survey with 50 of them and asked some key questions:

Here's what we learnt from these activies:

Speed Testing

Now that we had a good baseline of the issues at hand and what people were looking for in a solution. We did some speedy user testing.

To make our iteration faster, when workers came into our office for onboardings, I would sit them down for quick user tests on a prototype. These sessions would last 10-15 minutes, getting first impressions and thoughts on how they would use it. I would then make quick changes to the solution and be back at it again in time for the next onboarding session.

Here is how the solution evolved as we iterated and tested:

User Test #1

3 x Participants, 2 x Options

Positive feedback:

Areas to improve:

User Test #2

4 x Participants + Internal Feedback

Positive feedback:

Areas to improve:

User Test #3

4 x Participants

Testing results:


Testing fast and often helped us to rapidly develop and evolve the solution. Getting as much feedback as we did allowed us to identify nuances that would help us to effectively create an interface that was easy to understand and use.